Frequently Asked Questions 

How will the meat be delivered?

We will deliver the meat to you frozen, with cuts individually packaged and labeled.

What does “grass fed” mean?

This term is used a lot in marketing right now and it seems to mean different things to different people. To us, it means that our cows eat grass, not grain. Although most cows start on grass, many are finished on grain to promote weight gain and marbling. We do supplement their diet with minerals throughout the year and with hay and cottonseed meal when the winter reduces the protein content of our pastures. Although we haven’t started the certification process, we believe we qualify as “grass fed” under the standards set forth by the American Grass Fed Association. Those standards encompass more than diet - they also discuss confinement and don’t allow pesticide or antibiotic use.

What does “pasture-finished” mean?

This means that our cows are not confined. They remain in the pasture until we load them up for processing. Many folks reduce a cow’s movement for the last portion of their lives to promote weight gain and lack of muscle use. We know that the meat might be slightly tougher if the cows aren’t confined, but we prefer our food to be happy and healthy.

What are the benefits of buying / eating this meat?

The first reason for most folks is generally the health benefit - they say you can pay your farmer or pay your doctor. There have been a lot of studies showing the fat contained in grass fed beef is healthier for you than the fat in grain-fed beef.

For me, that is important, but I believe another, less scientific reason is that the stress a cow endures when they go to a feedlot - changing herds, changing locations/climates, completely changing diet - all that is highly stressful. I don’t want those stress hormones in my dinner.

I also think it’s important to know where your food comes from. As one happy customer said “the more food I feed my children that didn’t come from the grocery store, the better.”

We take pride in being good stewards of our land and good stewards of our animals. That’s why we started this business - we believe it is the best way for us to run a cattle business. And our friends get the added benefit of healthy, happy beef delivered to them for significantly cheaper than they could buy it in a store.

Will I notice a difference in taste?

If you don’t usually eat grass fed beef, you will likely notice a difference. Taste is such a personal thing, but I haven’t had anyone say they found it unpleasant. Personally, I notice the beef is leaner, but I don’t think the taste is different from the beef you buy at the grocery store. Because it is leaner, overcooking can produce a tough end product. Keep your cooking times under control and I believe you will be a happy customer.

Do you use antibiotics?

No. Because our cows are in the pasture, there are no dirty pens or confined spaces that would lead to the need for widespread antibiotics.

Is this Angus beef?

We currently have 2 bulls, both are classified as Angus. Our cows (females) are a mix of a lot of different cattle breeds as this ranch has been functioning for somewhere around 170 years now. Through the years, the ranch has had many different types of cattle - Angus, Herefords, Limousines, Brangus, and probably a few others. We keep the heifers (young females) that will likely make good mommas. This is based on their shape, size, health and how fast they grow. We like to be pretty hands off in the birthing process - it’s less stressful for everyone. That means we needs bulls that produce low birthweight babies to and healthy mommas that can handle the birthing process and can make a lot of milk to help those babies grown up strong and healthy. So no, we don’t have 100% pure Angus beef. What we do have is a hand selected line of very unique cattle that are well adapted to this specific ranch and don’t have humans involved in the birthing process.

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